
Team Member Spotlight on Jennifer Niepoth

With a background in corporate career coaching and development, Jennifer Niepoth has a knack for assisting others with navigating and advancing their careers. Working as an employment consultant at Rise, she supports 20 people with disabilities achieve their career goals.

“I didn’t imagine anything like this, but I couldn’t be happier,” says Jennifer.

In her role, Jennifer is traveling the roads of Washington County so frequently she does not have an assigned home office. Instead she meets the people she serves out in the community, at their home, or at their employer.

She also works closely with Washing County case managers. Together they tailor to each individual’s needs and goals, which often include competitive employment. For instance, she is supporting one person as he studies for a CPA exam and another who is transitioning back into the workforce after a lengthy absence.

“I love what we’re doing,” adds Jennifer. “At the end of the day, I know I made a difference. Even if I alleviated symptoms for just 10 minutes, I made a difference.”

Jennifer has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from the University of Wisconsin – River Falls (UWRF) and a master’s degree in strategic management from Bethel University. When asked about her experience with Rise as an employer the past two years, she says she feels recognized and appreciated for what she does and knows that she is supported.

Outside of work, Jennifer teaches a management course at UWRF. She also has two young children who are very involved in Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts.

Thank you, Jennifer, for your leadership.

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