
Elizabeth Trainor returns for second internship

Elizabeth Trainor first interned with Rise’s Human Resources department in 2019, and was excited to return this fall as the health and wellness intern. She will graduate from North Dakota State University in May 2021 with a major in human resource management and a minor in women’s and gender studies.

I loved Rise’s work environment and learning from all of my co-workers and supervisors who always gave me room to grow,” Elizabeth said. “When I saw the health and wellness internship posted, I was excited to come back, learn more, and contribute to Rise.”

As an intern, Elizabeth spent a lot of time gathering information on a wide range of topics to be sent out in weekly emails. “I work really hard to create and share content that people want to read (hence my one-meme minimum in emails) and can learn from,” continued Elizabeth. “Rise’s Health and Wellness program is still a work-in-progress, but the information I’ve shared so far has helped raise awareness of it and encouraged everyone to be more intentional about their health. I got to be involved in a lot more of the day-to-day tasks and overarching projects that the HR team works on, and I found that really fun to learn about!”

She credits her supervisors and members of the HR team for sharing advice, support, and resources. “Even if I thought I knew a topic well,I always tried to make time to learn more from others, and there has never been a meeting that I left not knowing more than when I arrived.”

Elizabeth is proud of her ability to earn employees’ interest in Rise’s Health and Wellness program, and she hopes it will continue to provide employees with a positive, progress-oriented platform and culture that enables them to work toward better health in all aspects of their lives.

Elizabeth is always looking for ways to improve her fitness. Within the next ten years, she would like to hike the Superior Trail in Minnesota from beginning to end. One of her biggest aspirations is to complete a trail run more than 50 miles.

Written by Intern Cassidy Bins

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