
Through her exquisite art, Dorinda expresses the seasons of her life

Dorinda Tveit was recently honored to have two pieces of her artwork in the Art of Possibilities spring art show at Courage Kenney Rehabilitation Institute in Golden Valley. She is shown here with her oils and acrylics piece titled, Feelings Below the Surface. 

Her ‘statement of art’ read:

“The ramifications of my disability have often interrupted my life. These interruptions led me through different seasons. Not all of these seasons are places I want to travel through, but they are the reality. My art work reflects my journey. Who I am as a person has been a theme in my art work. Through self-portraits, and using the symbol of water, I have explored my inner self.”

Another work of art Dorinda painted a few years ago was of a waterfall titled, Peaceful Silence, and hung in an art show at Dunn Brothers Coffee in downtown Minneapolis. About this symbolic piece, Dorinda said, “I am colorful, exciting, natural, and honest. The water represents all of these things. It is a description of my soul and the essence of whom I strive to be.”

Dorinda works with an art coach at home. Over the years, she has had showings in many other Twin Cities venues, including Salon George, Artistry, West Side Perk, and numerous art galleries.

“Painting helps me express my feelings and relaxes me,” Dorinda said. “I’m in another world when I’m painting. I can forget that I have a disability.”

Dorinda attends Rise Crystal and enters Rise Crystal’s transportation gas receipts as well as other accounts. She enjoys participating in social and group activities there as well.

This article appears in the September 2019 issue of the Rise Reporter.

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