With his goal of someday soon working competitively in a community business, Tom Erickson was excited when he recently applied for and was awarded $200 from the Minnesota Microgrant Partnership to purchase cleaning supplies to help him continue honing his skills during the pandemic.
Tom, who is Deaf and communicates through American Sign Language, is volunteering with Erika Powell, the multi-site manager at The Legends in Spring Lake Park where Tom lives, to clean the benches around the outside patio area. Not only is he adding to his work skills, but this volunteer position will be a great addition to Tom’s resume when applying for jobs.
Tom is one of a handful of people at Rise who have received these helpful grants (up to $500) from The Arc Minnesota. This grant program is designed to assist people with disabilities make a sustainable change in their lives in regard to competitive employment, inclusive housing, and community integration.
On June 22, Tom was happy to go back to work on production subcontracts at Rise Spring Lake Park for three hours a day, Monday through Friday. He has also appreciated the continuous support he has received from Occupational Communication Specialist Jennifer Sawyer who meets with Tom near his home weekly during these challenging times of the pandemic to continue his competitive job search.
You may remember reading about Tom a few months ago. Check out another story here.
For more information about the Minnesota Microgrant Partnership, visit The Arc Minnesota’s website at arcminnesota.org/ways-we-can-help/.