
Creating a ‘Picture of Life’ to better serve people during pandemic

Case Manager Katie Chambers was pleased to receive additional service agreements approved by Anoka County social workers so she could begin working remotely with people served at Rise Coon Rapids.

“We specifically selected people who either live independently or are living with their parents or guardians and could benefit from some extra support during these unprecedented times,” said Katie.

Katie is using various person-centered tools, such as a more extensive version of the Good Day/Bad Day, Important to/Important for, Great Things About Me, Routines/Rituals, Relationship Map, and Matching.

“I will put together all the information received to create a ‘Picture of Life’ for each person,” Katie explained. “My fellow Coon Rapids case managers and I completed special training through Mains’l back in February on this. I will pass that information along to team members once we are able to return to work, so we will all know how best to support the person each day.”

In addition, Katie discusses the current pandemic and how it impacts them. She also reviews personal hygiene such as what to do after you sneeze/cough, when and how long to wash your hands, and how to take care of themselves to best stop the spread of the virus. Katie typically works with each person via phone once a week for about an hour a day, whichever day and time they choose.

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