MEC Program Supervisor Austin Beatty was named the 2019 Job Placement Professional of the Year by the Minnesota Rehabilitation Association (MRA) Job Placement Division (JPD) at their annual conference.
In his nomination, it was said that: “Austin is truly an outstanding job placement professional. He demonstrates passion and dedication to the people he serves and his team at MEC.
“Austin rises to the challenge as he supports many working relationships between people and businesses, problem-solves to meet a variety of the individuals’ needs, while at the same time, engaging with businesses.
“He seems to take what comes his way in stride, piecing out what needs to be done, prioritizing cases and organizing others to keep all the balls in the air!
“Austin is active in the placement community, connects well with colleagues, shares his wisdom and strategies, and engages well with businesses in multiple communities.
“Austin is a valued member of MRA and JPD. He is serving as the secretary and making a huge contribution to the division. Austin has also successfully taken on a role as presenter of the Placement 101 training where his talents are greatly appreciated.”
Congratulations, Austin!!
This article appears in the March 2020 issue of the Rise Reporter.